Thursday, April 10, 2008

Raining in Tokyo

Tokyo - It was raining when I stepped out of the lobby and it was fortunate that the Hotel provided complimentary use of their umbrellas. The temperature was cold - after a good 20 minutes of walk I arrived at my meeting place. The meeting went smoothly, nothing out of the ordinary.

I met Terry outside the Toyocho metro station, we took the Tozai line bound for Mozen Nagacho station, which was 2 stations down. I like sushi and she brought be to a very nice sushi restaurant, it was very cosy. We sat at the sushi counter and was served by the Chef (who is also the owner). The meal was really good and the sushi just melt in your mouth. The best sushi was the Chef trademark and he instructed us not to dip into the soya sauce. Wow, it was so delicious - Oishi des. This sushi had a taste of ginger, shallots and tinkle of lemon on it. As we sat at the sushi bar counter, Terry went down the line of seafood and we literally ordered everything there was.

It was really good to get to know Terry more and insight into Japanese business and culture. Thank you for a delicious and i think very expensive meal. I took the metro to where I started, and walk to back to the hotel.

Need to catch the early Limo bus at 7.30am, off to bed.

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