Friday, November 16, 2007

Tsukiji again

Tokyo - Tim and Tony has never been to Tsukiji (the largest fish market in the world), so we met @ 4.30am at the lobby and reach Tsukiji around 5pm. We arrived early and had to wait because the auction of the Tunas did not start until 5.40am. The auction area was crowded with many people inspecting the tunas.

Later I was told by Terry that these bidders check the fat and quality of the Tunas by inspecting the tail. The higher the fat content the more expensive the Tuna cost. Maybe similiar to beef - which in this case they called 'marble' - the streaking fat on a piece of steak that when cooked just melts in your mouth.

All the Tuna's tail portion has been cut off leaving the red meat of the fish - some bidders were poking their fingers into the flesh of the Tuna. There are 2 section of the auction - the fresh Tunas and the frozen Tunas. The fresh Tuna auction is much more expensive - each Tuna can cost US$2,000 to US$ 20,000.

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