Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sudanese Food & Bandrek

Bandung - Lesley and I had breakfast at around 8am and half way through out breakfast, Lesley informed that staff that there was a 'fly' in one of the fruits containers.  The manager came and apologize to us and waive the breakfast.   

Lunch was a 10 minutes walk from our appointment.  Sindang Reret restaurant is a Sundanese restaurant.   Sundanese cuisine is very popular with Indonesia, and they originate from West Java, Indonesia.

Sindang Reret Restaurant
Bajigur is a hot and sweet beverage native to the Sundanese people.  The main ingredients are Coconut milk, Aren sugar, ginger salt and vanila powder. 
I had Bandrek which is a traditional Sundanese drink.   I took the first sip and the taste 'hit' me because it has ginger essense and and drink is hot.   The Sundanese people who live on the highlands prefer Bandrek to keep them warm during the night and cold weather.   The ingredients are jahe (ginger), kayu manis (cinnamon), star anise (a common Indonesian spice), cloves, coriandar seeds, lemon grass, gula merah (palm sugar - in Singapore/Malaysia we called in Gula Malacca) and slices of coconut.

Seafood bee hoon
Gurame Goreng (deep fried)
This is the signature dish of Sundanese food.

Soup Butut (Ox Tail)
We also had another dish which Ginseng special vegetable - it is a stir fried dish with prawns, fish dice and ginseng leaf.  

There was a fish tank and the largest predator was this huge arowana fish and it's food was small frogs at the top end of the tank.

Arowana Fish
struggling frogs as food for Arowana fish
Another view
The great thing about staying at Hyatt Regency Bandung is that it's next to the mall - BIP - Bandung Inda Plaza.  I went and watch a movie 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' only Rp20,000 (S$ 3), Singapore will cost S$8.50.  But the quality of the screening was not digital and not so sharp but it's good enough for me and it's in English.   At around 9.30pm, most of the restaurant was closed only  Texas Chicken - so I had a meal there.

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