Thursday, April 19, 2007

Korean Curry and Seeing Green

Korean Curry and seeing Green

A Game of Badminton

During lunch, my friends at LG Group decided to have a game of badminton which was fine by me since I have not played it for quite a while. They are very good - playing it every day during lunch time. We spent about 30 minutes trashing the shuttlecock and had a good work out.

LG Canteen

Then we took a slow walk back to LG building to their canteen for lunch. The lunch at the canteen was very systematic - at the entrance we had to choose one of 2 menus for the day and then walk left for menu A OR right for menu B. Once I made my choice I walked up to the counter, queued for for lunch, took a tray, put all the small side dishes and then your choice main course.

Korean Curry

Today's menu choice was Korean Curry or some soupy dish - I chose the Korean curry and I was not disappointed - it tasted good. Walk up the cashier and hand-in my coupon given to me by my LG friends.

Green Tea Latte

I had it twice here in Seoul - once @ illy's and another @ a cafe called "my home". I very much like the taste. I love all kinds of tea and not much of a coffee drinker. The Green Tea latte is built just like a regular latte - with freshly steamed milk. They are flavored with matcha, which is powdered green tea, a splash of melon-flavored syrup. I think for some it is an acquired taste.

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